Post It
A full stack social media app with a masonry style layout. Built using Next.jsopens a new window and Sanity CMSopens a new window.
With this project I learned a lot about Next.js' core functionality, server-side rendering, incremental static regeneration and also, this project was my introduction to the built-in API routes that come integrated with this great framework. I used them to manage all the data fetching and mutations server-side.
I handled the authentication using Next Authopens a new window and Google as auth provider.
Users are able to share their own posts, download posts images, and like/comment other users’ posts.
Link to the project’s GitHub repositoryopens a new window and live, deployed versionopens a new window.
Update - December 15, 2023: This project has been modified to use Next.js v14 and app router. Also, Clerkopens a new window is now being used for users management. This was a great opportunity to rebuild the project and follow better practices.