A minimalistic full stack todos app made using MERN stack and TypeScript.
Users are able to sign up if they don't have an account, sign in and manage (create, edit, delete) their todos.
In this project, React-Queryopens a new window was used as an async state manager. Thanks to this library, it was really easy to implement optimistic UI updates. This means that, as its name suggests, mutations are performed optimistically through cache manipulation so the user can experience almost-instant results, without having to wait for the server’s response. In case of any errors, the data is rolled back to its previous state.
Also, React Router DOMopens a new window was used to handle routing.
Link to the project’s frontend GitHub repositoryopens a new window and live, deployed versionopens a new window.
Also, this is the project’s backend GitHub repositoryopens a new window.
The project’s structure is very simple: