Strong fetch
Strong-fetch is a basic wrapper around the fetch API that provides automatic AbortController handling.
You only need to provide a unique signalKey for each request and the rest is handled by the wrapper.
Main features:
- Automatic (and optional) AbortController handling
- A FetchError object that extends the Error object and includes the status of the error response for better exceptions handling
- Utilities for manually aborting requests if needed
- Automatic JSON response data handling
- TypeScript friendly
This is currently just a demo, but it might become a npm package in the future. To check the wrapper's source code, access the GitHub repositoryopens a new window and go into the strong-fetch folder. You can also see a live demo hereopens a new window.
Example usage:
import fetch, { type StrongFetchResponse } from 'strong-fetch' import type { ProductResponse } from './types' const searchProducts = ( query: string ): Promise<StrongFetchResponse<ProductResponse>> => { return fetch(`${query}`, { signalKey: 'searchProducts' }) } const results = await searchProducts('something') /* { data: ProductResponse status: number statusText: string headers: Record<string, string> } */